Classes & Coaching

Our Pivotal Training Programs allow employees and leaders to pursue their potential, develop meaningful relationships and enhance how they contribute to the goals and productivity of the organization. You can select any of our pivotal programs or have us design a program specifically to meet your needs. Prepare today’s staff for tomorrow.

The Leap to Leadership

Participants will gain a perspective on the role of being a supervisor or manager, how to lead the team and generate results.

  • Supervising, managing and leading defined
  • The source of success as a leader
  • What kind of leader will you be?
  • Balance your responsibilities as a supervisor or manager
  • Techniques that support to employees and get results

Leading in a Lean Environment

Participants will take what they have learned about Lean and evaluate the best leadership practices to support Lean and best empower employees.

  • Determine what Lean activities matter to your organization
  • Develop collaborative teams
  • Manage lean projects within business operations
  • Be a transformational leader who creates customer value and operational efficiencies

Emotional Intelligence

Participants will learn the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and how it influences their leadership style.

  • Emotional intelligence defined
  • Why we get triggered emotionally
  • The brain and body when we are emotionally ‘hijacked’
  • Employ strategies to be emotionally intelligent

Social Intelligence

Participants learn how to be socially intelligent as leaders and how that generates great relationships with employees and customers.

  • Emotional Intelligence translated outward
  • Managing the interactive world
  • We are hardwired to connect and imitate

Listening & Managing Management Time

  • Why listening is important
  • Listeners around us
  • Build listening skills and gain credibility
  • Definition of management monkeys
  • How to manage monkeys

Coaching Employees

Participants experience how coaching difference from management, learn a basic coaching model and are involved in class activities to practice coaching.

  • The complexity of people
  • Coaching definition and model
  • Exploring the steps of coaching
  • Behavior and change
  • Practicing each step of the model

Application Coaching

Participants the best coaching practices to communicate effectively, create a structure to observe, recognize and give feedback on performance that models a positive and productive environment.

  • Beliefs about people affect relationships
  • Communicate effectively
  • Application Coaching model
  • Practice Application Coaching
  • Manifest a positive work environment
  • Engage staff in growth and improvements

Setting and Maintaining Performance Standards

Participants learn the importance of standards and communicating expectations to enhance team productivity.

  • Communicate and model company standards clearly
  • Determine standards within your department and for specific jobs
  • Communicate standards to your employees
  • Techniques for maintaining standards with your employees

Performance Management

Participants learn how to use performance standards and coaching skills to manage daily performance and generate great team productivity results.

  • Define successful employee performance
  • Why performance evaluations are important
  • Communicate objective performance expectations;
  • Give clear and timely performance feedback
  • Perform the critical elements of a performance evaluation;
  • Understand goal setting

Behavioral Interviewing

Participants will learn to use four key components to be confident interviewers and make the best hiring decisions.

  • Be prepared: establish criteria – competencies, skills and personal attributes for job success
  • Ask the right questions: use a structured interview guide with great open-ended questions; seek behavioral examples to see past performance
  • Listen actively: listen to what the candidate says; also listen for gaps or missing information
  • Ask the final question: allow the candidate to tell the story they what to leave you remembering


Honoring Diversity

Participants gain understanding diversity – challenges and benefits – and how to create an engaging work environment.

  • Diversity and the challenges it presents to leaders
  • Diversity is based in individual passion – internal drivers, values as well as heritage
  • Why diversity is desirable
  • Create a positive work environment that encourages diversity

Building Collaborative Teams

Participants experience how teams are made up of individuals with diverse skills and interests, They learn how to develop powerful communication and collaborative processes using the powerful Passion Vision Action Process ™.

  • Energize the team to move in the right direction
  • Allow real collaboration to occur
  • Transform challenges into exciting team actions
  • Deliver sustainable results in record time

Authentic Leadership

Participants explore how authentic leaders draw people to them, convey key messages to the marketplace and create success; they engage in activities using the powerful Passion Vision Action Process ™ to clarify a personal strategy for leading and inspiring business growth.

  • Honor uniqueness in yourself and others
  • Trust your intuition
  • Direct your energy to important initiatives
  • Ignite employee engagement with focus and clarity
  • Generate powerful results

Creating Work/Life Balance

Participants learn about balance from an energy perspective, then share who they are with a value-based language. This allows for new synergy between managers and employees to achieve greater performance and engagement levels while keeping work/life balance in perspective.

  • Find the energy that drives your desires in both work and life
  • Identify what work/life balance means for each person
  • Achieve work/life engagement with a specific course of action and milestones